UPVC Door & Window Repairs
CALL NOW: 07521 823754AE Locksmiths covers Merseyside, Cheshire and all the surrounding area
UPVC door lock jammed, can’t open your UPVC door or can’t lock your UPVC door? Don’t worry AE Locksmiths can repair UPVC and composite door locks.
If the handles on your door will not move down to open the door or the handles are just spinning around then its highly possible the locking mechanism has broken. UPVC, composite, and some timber doors are fitted with locks called multi-point locks.
Over time UPVC door locks can wear out and become difficult to operate or even stop working altogether. If the mechanism on your UPVC door lock has broken, we can open it without damaging the door. We can usually repair the lock mechanism, if this is not possible we can fit a replacement lock mechanism even if yours is obsolete, or we can upgrade it to a modern high security version. Many homes have early multi-point locks which only have rollers fitted. These are not very secure and should be replaced with modern equivalents which have hooks, deadbolts or mushrooms.
General UPVC door repairs
AE Locksmiths provide a range of repair services for UPVC / composite doors. Usually UPVC / composite doors are thought of as being maintenance free as they do not require painting etc. However, they can suffer from problems which will periodically require attention in order for the door to function correctly. The doors can drop over time causing them to become difficult to open and close, and making the locking mechanism difficult to operate. An early indication of this problem is when the handles become stiff when being lifted up to lock the door. As this service does not usually use any materials it is also inexpensive, and can save a considerable amount of money in the long term
UPVC Windows
Usually UPVC windows can suffer from problems which will periodically require attention in order for the window to function correctly. The locks can become stiff and difficult to operate or the hinges may become damaged making the window difficult or even impossible to open or close. If you cannot open your UPVC window then we can open it and repair the lock, this is much cheaper than replacing the window. If the handles, or hinges on your windows are damaged or difficult to operate we can replace them and make your window’s operation as smooth as when they were new. We can also supply window restrictors that prevent children from opening windows far enough to fall out of them. We can supply ones that are concealed within the frame meaning you do not have unsightly boxes and cables on the window and frame. As professional locksmiths we would recommend that key operated locks are fitted to all windows, this is also the advice from the police and insurance companies.
Burglary repairs
If you have been unfortunate enough to have been burgled then we can fit replacement handles, locks etc. and also usually repair the damage done to the door itself. We also supply and fit a range of door furniture such as letterboxes, door knockers, door viewers, door chains, numerals etc. We can also supply and fit anti snap locks to make your home or business more secure. Don’t allow yourself to become a target.
AE Locksmiths covers Merseyside, Cheshire and all the surrounding area, so please call us on 07521 823754 if you need any of these services and we will best advise you.